December 2, 2011

Day five dramas

Posted in December, Weight Watchers tagged , , , at 1:03 pm by viewfromthisdesk

Indeed there are dramas, of the single point calculation variety.  There was total panic and carnage when this morning a conversation about ryvita crackers revealed that it isn’t a pair of ryvitas that have one point value but a single ryvita is one point.  Oh my life, all my calculations to date are WRONG!  I knew I should have paid more attention to Mr Green in GCSE maths, no matter how scary he was.  So all my day totals are wrong, my plans for the long, tedious weeks ahead are wrong and I just don’t know how to cope with it all.

If you look in my food diary, not that you’re likely to, to be fair but if you did, you would see some serious repetition taking place and if I’m bored on day five, what am I going to be like on day seventy nine when my twelve weeks are drawing to a close?  Currently, I’m okay with the repetition; porridge with different frozen fruits for breakfast, random fruit to snack on in the morning, maybe a yoghurt if I’m feeling a bit brave (three points in the yoghurts I bought, owch!) then precisely weighed and calculated soup for lunch – usually lukewarm as it’s kept in a thermos as we don’t have a microwave in the office, with – the object of today’s ranting, ryvitas.  Dry ryvitas of course as ww think that any form of cracker lubrication is the work of the diet-devils.  And to keep things interesting, I have three varieties of the aforementioned rectangular cracker brands; original, dark rye and lighter-than-air crackerbreads.  The latter are rubbish with soup, you can’t dunk them like in the advert and they stick to the roof of your mouth when you try and just munch them, imagining layers of cheese and butter on them to make the experience worthwhile.  Tea is generally whatever I can cobble together from the points I have left. 

It’s rubbish quite frankly, this journey.  I hate it already. 

I want cheese and crisps and jacket potatoes with cheese and pineapple and coleslaw and pate on toast.  I want fish and chips this weekend and there’s no way my (emergency) ‘weekly allowance’ of 49 points is going to cover that.  I am thinking about food all the time, especially when I’m miserable and cold and sore.  Yesterday was a day when I could have quite happily stuck two fingers up at the ww establishment and dived into a pound slab of mature cheddar and followed it up with as many kit kat chunkys as I could shove in my face.  Yesterday was a bad day.  Not through lack of motivation as I never had any to begin with, but I was miserable and in pain and unable to snap out of the shocking emotional place I was in.  How does two dry ryvitas – of any stupid flavour – fix that?

1 Comment »

  1. Dee said,

    It’ll be worth it when you get on the scales Mon lunch-time ! I don’t know if you have a set goal in mind…..but whatever it is does it matter if you loose 1/2 pound a week or 2lb a week…..cos you’ll get there in the end and you’ll have learnt how to do that healthily by the end of these 12 weeks ! with or without the ryvitas….keep calm enjoy yr weekend and don’t be so hard on yourself… look great anyway x

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