August 24, 2021

Day One Details

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , , , at 11:23 am by viewfromthisdesk

Oh I bet you’ve all been waiting for this.

Who did she shout at? What did she smash up? How bad did it get?

I thought I was super prepared. I’d done sums and planned the snacks. I’d even worked out a timeline of what I could or should have when! Get me.

Two bags of slimfast vitality shake mixes

08.15 pint of water for first breakfast
09.30 Strawberry & Blueberry shake with red milk
11.00 Bottle of water
13.30 Strawberry & Blueberry shake with water
15.00 Bottle of water
16.00 Yoghurt (100 cal snack)
18.00 Meal (approx 500 cals)
21.00 5 Jelly Babies (100 cal snack)
21.30 Bottle of water

Hang on a minute, I hear you shouting, you said it was the 3-2-1 diet. Three snacks as well as a 900 cal meal. What are you playing at?

First drama – I thought my water bottles were 250ml and 500ml. They aren’t. Instead, they are 500ml and 750ml. So I didn’t want to eat anything because I was swimming with water. Bleugh. Proper sloshy tummy and a slightly nauseous feeling every time I moved.

Second drama – Instructions are ‘mix up a shake’ and I thought I could use the food processor or hand blender. Turns out, nope. So I went onto freecycle and tried to beg a shaker beaker thing – like what boys use for protein shakes – and I got one but it’s a bit small. It will only take 200ml of liquid whereas the shake recipes are for 250ml but I’m not willing to spend £7 on something I’m only going to use for a week.

Third drama – I can’t do maths.

The first shake yesterday I described as ‘grey and gritty’ which I stick by. The second shake of the day was palatable. One with milk, one with water. I assumed all shakes were made with milk as all the forum chats are about different sorts of milk and how to make it ‘creamier’ with a red milk base and/or calorie counts of non dairy milks etc

Yesterday’s flavour is not to be made with milk according to the back of the packet. No wonder it tasted and looked less than nice. And I dislike milkshakes, I have never liked that thick, gloopy texture. Ugh.

So I spent a great chunk of the day trying to recalculate scoops to liquid when the liquid isn’t 250mls but 200mls whilst feeling like I’d swallowed a water bed.

Then I went out on bat survey which meant tea had to be super early and I knew I’d be nibblish during the evening – hence the jelly baby maths. I did at one point think I’d have to buy a packet of ginger biscuits and calculate those as 100cal snacks to keep a lid on the nausea but that’s less than ideal. So my tea ended up being the ham, cheese, egg and red pepper ‘snacks’ with more lettuce and a few home grown tomatoes and mayo.

This snack thing is tricky – water drama aside. I don’t do snacks typically and it isn’t something I want to get used to so it’s hard to actually plan to eat between meals. Also, I need to keep my carbs to a minimum for the diabetes but the shakes are 30g carbs each which is about what I’d like the whole day to be! So my ‘snacks’ have to be as close to zero carbs as possible to balance out the 2x30g carbs of the shakes. Slimfast is all about calorie counting and that’s not something I’ve ever done. For me it’s been portion sizes or watching carbs.

So I’m trying to find better snacks. Yesterday was all about protein. Today I’ve got a yoghurt and some brazil nuts. Both 100 calorie portions. I’m really looking forward to filling up on these because yes, 14g of brazil nuts is 100 calories. Lucky, lucky me.

Brazil nuts on a set of scales

Lessons learnt:-
Read instructions
Don’t be tight and just buy a beaker of the correct size
Check and don’t assume

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