August 27, 2021

Only Thursday. Day Four

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , , at 2:32 pm by viewfromthisdesk

The jam jar idea is brilliant. Looks rubbish but then so do the contents!

I’m on strawberry and blueberry again today, I just can’t face the raspberry one again just yet but I did notice the S&B bag was almost empty after I prep’d for today so I’ve maybe one more day to get out the bag? I’ve bought a chocolate flavour one now so I can continue this next week and assess how this fits within a more normal week. I’d also like to see some changes on the scales and I’m feeling that a week isn’t a good enough timescale.

I foolishly jumped on the scales today, I really did think that after three days of this, something might have changed but nope, not a pound either way. Will try again on Saturday and hope there is a loss otherwise I’m going to have an absolute tantrum.

Not much else to say really. I’m super busy, this diet is really boring and I just want a long weekend of sleep. Instead I shall be at Great Comberton’s Flower Show from 2pm – 5.30pm on Saturday so come see me/Evesham Bat Care and say hello. Tell me I look shocking if you’re feeling brave.

August 26, 2021

Day three. Halfway

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , , at 11:22 am by viewfromthisdesk

Today I am back on the strawberry & blueberry grey shake. It is made with water so less thick. It’s a weird colour for sure but doesn’t smell horrid like the other one.

But by lunchtime I was hungry. Proper climbing the walls hungry. I brought two snacks to work – brazil nuts again and a tiny amount of dried apricots for my 100 calories too. I’ve eaten both of them, without pausing or treating them as different time zone treats. I’ve drunk nearly all my water bottles and been hitting the kettle hard. This is odd, I’ve not felt hungry so far on this plan and I don’t like it. I have too long left before going home to avoid temptation.

I have a suspicion that I feel this way because I made a 3/4 shake for breakfast to fit in the stupid shaker beaker. It’s filled me for a period of time but not long enough to get to lunch. Except the issue next is that lunch is another 3/4 portion too. Thank goodness I have a post-nap lump of vegetable-made lasagne to look forward to later.

It probably doesn’t help that I’m watching <ahem> listening to Celebrity Masterchef via BBC iplayer and after two episodes of talking about toad-in-the-hole and poached eggs and sweetcorn fritters I’m just wanting something more with texture that isn’t gloopy smooth and a savoury flavour.

So at lunchtime I rang hubby for a distraction and we’ve discussed how there is a jar in the recycling from the lasagne making and that probably holds enough liquid ….. ever resourceful is the mister.

This strawberry and blueberry one isn’t too bad if you drink it with your eyes closed, the colour is very deeply off putting. It doesn’t taste of anything much either.

What is odd is that I’m clearly not eating much and yet I feel comfortable. I’m not bloated or starving or feeling too bad. I’m just feeling ……. unsatisfied I suppose. I am now entering the gassy stage that people on the forums warn about and slimfast the second time round, post-burp is utterly disgusting. Extra strong mints to the rescue.

What I am finding totally baffling is how expensive this is considering you aren’t eating three meals. The pre-made shakes and calorie counted snack bars are not cheap; 6 shakes are £10 and 6 bars of ONLY 26g are £3 a box. The powder to make the shakes is pricey too – my bags cost £12 each and they are 8 servings – so 4 days each – and some people are on this for months and months. This isn’t an inexpensive way of life. Lots of people too are relying on ready meals for tea with some veg or salad because the meals are already calorie counted so I wonder how financially viable this is long term. But I guess that’s how all these companies make their money – if you go a bit rogue and the results aren’t forthcoming then peeps recommend you stick with the branded stuff and kerr-ching the money is rolling in.

You’ll know from previous blogs that hubby and I are frugal. We grow what we can and use leftovers and have zero food waste and blah blah. Our shopping bill isn’t much off £40 a week. And yes, I’m not eating 3 meals this week but I am still on milk for some shakes and gallons of tea and then an evening meal too. Our shopping bill would be noticeably higher if I’d bought the stuff from a standard supermarket and not a certain internet auction site.

I also wonder how I’d manage this within the parameters of a ‘normal’ week. When I’m working flexi time or sat at home because I’ve crashed or basically not working 6 hours temping then an hour nap then out again on survey. When I’m less busy and less occupied and my brain gets shouty. Would I still manage to avoid the comfort eating and distraction of nice things? Something to test next week maybe. And how does this system work over a weekend when everyone is home and someone is cooking a bacon sarnie or a roast dinner or you are out all day at a village flower show trying to promote all things batty and brilliant???

August 25, 2021

Day two dramas

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , , , at 12:35 pm by viewfromthisdesk

Ugh I’m so bored of this already.

Day two was a different flavour, Tuesday was the raspberry one and I was really looking forward to it as I really like anything raspberry.

What a disappointment.

It tastes like slightly warm, not quite set, lumpy angel delight. And as a huge fan of angel delight, this is a real hardship for sure. It was so thick and hard to swallow. And the smell was so horrid. As long as I didn’t try and sniff it before drinking, I was kinda okay.

I relished the brazil nuts, they were delicious and I tried to savor them and make them last. But four nuts as a portion was very sad indeed. I was super disappointed that there were only four as I love brazil nuts.

Because my beaker is smaller than ideal, I got hubby to calculate 3/4 sizes or whatever quantity of water I need to make one less scoop mixture. This made it less messy in terms of shaking and preparing … but … it means I’m not consuming as much as I need to. I don’t know that I’m hungry as such but I am very bored.

Getting the water right has been a massive bonus today, I don’t feel sick or sloshy anymore. This is a huge bonus indeed.

I didn’t even want a yogurt when I got home from temping before my nap.

I had prepared lasagne with aubergine and courgette instead of pasta and hardly any cheese between the layers. Just loads of veg in with the meat. Hubby of course has lashings of sauce and cheese and pasta and delicious-ness. I have no idea on the calories for the meal, it’s homemade, it’s lots of veg and no carbs and I felt was good and healthy. It has to be, there’s enough for four meals.

I had my yogurt after tea instead as I was dashing out on a survey. I didn’t want to be sucked into the idea that I needed anything on survey every time and just took a bottle of water instead.

I only had two of the three snacks but I don’t know what calorie count the meal was, so I’m sure it balances okay.

Oh! And I’ve brought a cycle chair to temping, I can sit and be vaguely exercising!

Lessons learnt:-
This diet isn’t for me, not long term
Still need something better for my beaker
Stop complaining as this was a choice.

August 24, 2021

Day One Details

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , , , at 11:23 am by viewfromthisdesk

Oh I bet you’ve all been waiting for this.

Who did she shout at? What did she smash up? How bad did it get?

I thought I was super prepared. I’d done sums and planned the snacks. I’d even worked out a timeline of what I could or should have when! Get me.

Two bags of slimfast vitality shake mixes

08.15 pint of water for first breakfast
09.30 Strawberry & Blueberry shake with red milk
11.00 Bottle of water
13.30 Strawberry & Blueberry shake with water
15.00 Bottle of water
16.00 Yoghurt (100 cal snack)
18.00 Meal (approx 500 cals)
21.00 5 Jelly Babies (100 cal snack)
21.30 Bottle of water

Hang on a minute, I hear you shouting, you said it was the 3-2-1 diet. Three snacks as well as a 900 cal meal. What are you playing at?

First drama – I thought my water bottles were 250ml and 500ml. They aren’t. Instead, they are 500ml and 750ml. So I didn’t want to eat anything because I was swimming with water. Bleugh. Proper sloshy tummy and a slightly nauseous feeling every time I moved.

Second drama – Instructions are ‘mix up a shake’ and I thought I could use the food processor or hand blender. Turns out, nope. So I went onto freecycle and tried to beg a shaker beaker thing – like what boys use for protein shakes – and I got one but it’s a bit small. It will only take 200ml of liquid whereas the shake recipes are for 250ml but I’m not willing to spend £7 on something I’m only going to use for a week.

Third drama – I can’t do maths.

The first shake yesterday I described as ‘grey and gritty’ which I stick by. The second shake of the day was palatable. One with milk, one with water. I assumed all shakes were made with milk as all the forum chats are about different sorts of milk and how to make it ‘creamier’ with a red milk base and/or calorie counts of non dairy milks etc

Yesterday’s flavour is not to be made with milk according to the back of the packet. No wonder it tasted and looked less than nice. And I dislike milkshakes, I have never liked that thick, gloopy texture. Ugh.

So I spent a great chunk of the day trying to recalculate scoops to liquid when the liquid isn’t 250mls but 200mls whilst feeling like I’d swallowed a water bed.

Then I went out on bat survey which meant tea had to be super early and I knew I’d be nibblish during the evening – hence the jelly baby maths. I did at one point think I’d have to buy a packet of ginger biscuits and calculate those as 100cal snacks to keep a lid on the nausea but that’s less than ideal. So my tea ended up being the ham, cheese, egg and red pepper ‘snacks’ with more lettuce and a few home grown tomatoes and mayo.

This snack thing is tricky – water drama aside. I don’t do snacks typically and it isn’t something I want to get used to so it’s hard to actually plan to eat between meals. Also, I need to keep my carbs to a minimum for the diabetes but the shakes are 30g carbs each which is about what I’d like the whole day to be! So my ‘snacks’ have to be as close to zero carbs as possible to balance out the 2x30g carbs of the shakes. Slimfast is all about calorie counting and that’s not something I’ve ever done. For me it’s been portion sizes or watching carbs.

So I’m trying to find better snacks. Yesterday was all about protein. Today I’ve got a yoghurt and some brazil nuts. Both 100 calorie portions. I’m really looking forward to filling up on these because yes, 14g of brazil nuts is 100 calories. Lucky, lucky me.

Brazil nuts on a set of scales

Lessons learnt:-
Read instructions
Don’t be tight and just buy a beaker of the correct size
Check and don’t assume

August 23, 2021

Yet another diet diary

Posted in August, SlimFast tagged , , , , at 1:28 pm by viewfromthisdesk

So last week I wrote a blog about how I needed a massive reset with regards to food. In acknowledging I had a problem, it was the kick up the bum I required.

Last week I went zero carb, zero sugar, zero fun, zero treats.

It was TOUGH. I had a fridge full of birthday treats and then it was hubby’s birthday too which added to the food mountain. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten as much salad as I have this week. It’s not been fun. I did almost cry when I froze the brownies and scones from my birthday gifts.

But the reality of it is I lost 4 pounds.

I know zero carbs works for me. And it’s a benefit that it’s also good for the diabetes. It’s so boring though and I’ve talked about that before. I miss bread. Fresh bread, crunchy baguettes, toast, sandwiches, soft rolls oh they are all gorgeous things but utterly addictive. Dangerous things.

I’m the sort of person that gets bored super easily though. I can’t stick with anything for a length of time and ultimately, diets are the worst thing to stick with and feel motivated by.

So. This week I’m on a new diet. Don’t shout at me. I’m trying SlimFast.

I hear ya.

It’s bonkers. I totally understand that drinking stuff instead of eating stuff is not a sensible choice. However, I see this as a ONE WEEK thing. It’s another reset before going back to carb free and/or better choices. I need to stop thinking about food 24/7 and being all consumed with what I’ll shove in my face next. I love food. I want it all.

So today is day one of SF and I’ll be honest, I’m not looking forward to it. I don’t like milkshakes, I don’t like boring stuff, I don’t like same texture meals. But the challenge is only one week and I feel that even I can do one week of this. I’ve done my research and yes, it’s okay with my diabetes. I’ve got two flavours of powder and I’m hoping this small variation will keep me focused. I’m also going to play (for want of a better word) with what I make the drinks with be that water or red top milk or almond milk. The latter is lower in carbs than dairy milk so it’s just another try to manage some numbers.

They call SlimFast the 3-2-1 diet. Three snacks, two shakes and one meal. The snacks can’t exceed 300 calories total and the meal can’t be more than 600 calories. Or you play with those if you have something planned. I’ve never done calorie counting before; WW was all about points and I just ate the same thing day after day and then carb free / Atkins has always been about avoiding the lovely breads, pasta, rice, spuds category of foods.

It’s currently half twelve. I’ve had one shake so far, two pints of water and four mugs of tea. Oh it’s gross stuff. No wonder they encourage you to drink 2 litres (almost 4 pints) of water each day because you need to wash the gritty residue out your teeth. The worst bit is this snack element I’m supposed to include. 3oo calories through the day in either 2×150 or 3×100 snacks. On all the forums and chats everyone dives into a branded (and therefore v.expensive) SF chocolate bar or a bag of crisps or a big apple. None of these are really sensible options for me, so most of Sunday was spent googling and doing maths on how many grams of something was 100 calories. Frustratingly, stuff that is low in calories – like popcorn or baked crisps – is not low carbs. Protein rich stuff like ham or cheese or pate or sausages are not low in calories. For example I could have two sausages for my snack element but that is ALL the snacks for the day done. I guess they encourage you to have three snacks so you feel like you are ‘always eating’ rather than just drinking your calories. I don’t want to get into the habit of snacking though so I’m struggling with that element of the day plan. Who knows, I might be desperate for some texture or crunch that I’ll be happy to have a morsel of something that isn’t grey and gritty and drunk out of a sippy cup.

Today’s plan is two shakes, one with red milk, one with water. My snacks are a tub of carefully weighed ham as one and then the other is a boiled egg with half a red bell pepper. The third snack will either be a yoghurt or some carefully weighed out cheese. Goodness knows what the actual meal will be later; salad probably with a lump of chicken I guess.

Oh and the best part of starting a diet this week? I’m temping every day and I have bat surveys every evening too, so this really will be lots of fun.

August 16, 2021

A quarterly catch up

Posted in August tagged , , , , , , , , , at 1:32 pm by viewfromthisdesk

I cannot believe it is four months almost since I last posted in April. I’m sorry that I’ve been absent from your email inbox for all that time!

I asked for your feedback about the felt birds I’d been sewing and it all went deathly quiet. Which is fine because then bat season began and the bat care numbers started climbing and I totally lost track of time. I had a stall at a fayre in early July and sold one robin and two flamingos. It seems my birds are not as popular as my ego had me believe. It’s fine, I’m at the Great Comberton Flower Show on Saturday August 28th (starts 2pm) with the bat charity so hopefully I can sell a few more there and clear away the clutter of my crafting efforts.

I’ll go through my diary and try and bring you up to speed with everything!

April I had a phone consultation with the people at The Barbury. The person I was assigned was a fabulous OT who really was lovely. Alas, she cannot do anything about my hands or the CTS or speed up the migraine appointment. She was trying to get local OT services to come and assess me at home so they can help advise on aids or gadgets that might help me on a day to day level but that’s not landed yet. We had four appointments and she did point me the way of a great website for helps and I added a few bits to my birthday wishlist and I was rewarded by beautiful friends. Being a bit spaz is expensive.

I think I’m going to have to get my carpal tunnel sorted privately but I’m too scared to investigate how costly this might be. I’d best buy a lottery ticket and then start looking!

May was a flurry of dusk surveys and the joy that was covid jab number two. We planned it for a Thursday afternoon as a just in case but overall, it wasn’t too bad – not the week long after effects of jab one that’s for sure! We are now waiting to see if we get called for the booster jab three of the other flavour that has been hinted at for old and poorly peeps.

The end of May saw me start a new project. Although project isn’t the right word. Adventure maybe? I put myself forward for funeral training. Because, you know, everyone wants someone up front with purple/white/violet/red hair. I foolishly thought it was a done deal based on conversations with one person and then another person said no. Apparently I need to learn to be humble and patient. So this next year or so will be me on ‘work experience’ gathering knowledge and feedback and learning. I was told off when I said I’d get revenge for the ‘no’ but what I meant was I’d show them that I was serious and committed and they’d feel bad they didn’t say yes the first time. Ho hum. I’ve had some lovely experiences and thoughtful emails about my contributions thus far and once bat season is over, I’ll branch out of my immediate bubble and try and work (experience) with some other people. Funerals are for celebrating someone’s life, they can be colourful and joyous and fun. If you want grey and solemn ask for the vicar, if you want something a bit different, ask for the Bat Lady ALM!

June was mostly football wasn’t it? I thankfully managed to book bat surveys and a bat walk to coincide with most of them. Or went to the supermarket where staff outnumbered the customers, oh it was bliss! I’m not a kicky-kicky-fall-over fan at all. The Olympics however, messed up my sleep patterns good and proper!

June 28th was a Monday and was my first Night Out in nearly year and a half I think. We went to the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert and it was fabulous. Yes we were sat in the very gods, yes we had to wear masks but it was theatre and it was so fun. I knew I’d missed theatre but I didn’t realise just how much until then.

July I was booked for a week’s holiday cover temping, except this turned into two weeks due to positive covid tests. Ugh. I didn’t stab anyone and I didn’t get escorted off the premises which is about the best I can say about that.

August is always a fun month. Lots of birthdays and reasons to celebrate. We started by seeing Sarah Millican at Cheltenham Town Hall which was a very different experience to Priscilla. No spacing, no masks, no distancing between seats. I wore my mask because I’m still very wary and I have so many different ones that I’m going to outfit match them! I hear of so many people who don’t want the jab which baffles me and then so many people who have positive results or have close peeps having positive tests. Yes, I’m double jabbed but I don’t want to test my rubbish immune system just yet thank you!

My birthday is now passed and I was very spoilt and very overwhelmed with how generous and lovely people were. I felt very loved and appreciated and giddy. It was a tricky one for my brain as I turned 42 and this means I’ve now lived longer than both my parents. People tell me I should be happy that I’m still around but I found it a challenge to say the least. I also broke my favourite pair of towering wedge shoes which didn’t help my brain stay sensible. Next event is the 20th for himself’s birthday and then the 22nd for our Wedding Anniversary. He was very good this year and got me a rather gorgeous pair of purple Doc Marten boots which I’d been taking about. Finally, at 42 I own my first pair of DM’s and once I get a set of metallic hickies to go in them I shall wear them forever!

One shocker about my birthday was the volume of cake I got sent. Three cream tea boxes from The Cornish Company. Three brownie boxes from Gower Cottage Brownies. One cookie box from The Cookie Club and two Victoria Sponge cakes……. With every new arrival I commented ‘don’t people remember I’m Type2 diabetic?’ to which himself reminded me that I don’t exactly behave like a diabetic and maybe I’m not taken seriously with it.

It got me thinking quite hard about how I am very blasé about it. Yes, I still eat carbs even though avoiding them is the best way to keep this under control. Yes, I still eat cake and biscuits even though I shouldn’t – but in my defence – not to the extent I used to. I’m trying to ease off bread and then carbs of a tea time too. But. I’m certainly not trying very hard and I’m not reminding people around me that I need their support and a lack of carbs in my face would be helpful.

So. Today is Day One.

I’ve brought in a Victoria Sponge to the office and am trying to offload it to anyone that passes the door. I have a bat carer coming tonight to help test fly and organise and they’ve been told to bring a tub with them. I have dusk surveys this week that I can share out the loveliness on.

I had scrambled eggs for breakfast and my lunch is zero carb too. Tonight I will have a decent healthy tea thanks to a new birthday chopping devise that will make salads fun and not a dangerous chore. I am going to have a scone tonight – but there are exercise plans to counter this indulgence too. I got on the scales this morning and whilst I’m a few pounds heavier than my standard plateaux I’m feeling positive these will shift when I finally go to the loo (the joy of a codine based pain management) and stick with this new way of food thinking. Please support me lovelies. Bring me morsels of cheese rather than chocolate, make everything banana or coffee flavoured. The brain is willing but my greed is stronger.