October 8, 2021

Thursday Thoughts

Posted in Health stuff, October tagged , , , , , , , , , at 11:37 am by viewfromthisdesk

(On a Friday, I know)

This snot lurgy has not left me. I hate it.

As a result of being full of gross stuff I was not losing weight. My weigh in day is officially Thursday but yes I’m a sad sack who checks most mornings and this week, those numbers were not changing at all. Not even a flicker. So I had resigned myself to a plateaux week – which is fine – most people on exante find this is week three or four so I knew I was due one ages ago. Imagine my surprise when on Thursday morning I got on the scales to find a new number and my one stone loss hit. Yes, I squealed, yes I alarmed the cats, yes I got on and off about seventy thousand times.

It was a very lovely surprise and much needed boost to the brain. I did celebrate with a raspberry chocolate shake for breakfast.

This lurgy is dragging me down mentally, I’m so fed up with it now. And I know it could be worse but I’m sick of sniffing, sick of a trail of soggy tissues in my wake. And it hurts to blow my nose right now. No, not because my nose is sore but because I’ve been injected.

I saw the doctor last week about a weird bump on my previously butterflied toe and whilst I was there casually said ‘so how do we go about getting these carpal tunnel steroid injections organised?’ and he immediately made me an appointment for this Tuesday morning and gave me horror stories of how I couldn’t come alone, couldn’t drive home afterwards, would need a babysitter for a while.

I’m not going to sugar coat this, these things HURT. I did cry a splash when he did my right hand. He did tell me I could call him names as he knew it wasn’t nice – which coming from a doctor is a bit bonkers. My hands did indeed go weird and tingly and I couldn’t have used a key to get in the house, he was right.

The only issue has been how much my wrists have hurt since the jabs. It’s friday and I’m only just managing to type this. With the aid of a wrist cushion, my arthritis gloves, a split with a metal bar for my right hand and a weird magnetic support glove thing on my left. I look like I’ve gotten dressed in the dark for a strange joint conference.

So yey me I’ve lost a stone in 52 days. Not so yey is how much my wrists hurt. They don’t hurt when they are cold which I’m trying to not use as an excuse to linger in the fridge ……..